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translated 29 01 2007

Colorwash with oxi clean

Colorwash is een dye ink in een spray bottle.

I made my own from refill printer ink, and foodcoloring tablets for eastereggs.

Oxi clean is a cristal-powder cleaningproduct what I keep in kitchen cupboard. (Names of similar products in other countries I do not know, but I am sure there must be similair cleaning products.)

The content of my jar is natriumpercarbonat, and that is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide en soda.

It is called an oxygen bleaching agent.

Soda = carbon dioxide (we use it ones a month to keep our sink open, not borax!), and hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach hair and to disinfect (small wounds).



I have have used photo paper with a glossy coating.

Generously spray purple on the paper. Because of the amount of fluid the paper will warp. Now sprinkle the Oxi on the high curve of the paper. (see the sprinklepattern on the diagram)

My purple has been built from blue and pink printer refill ink, the hydrogen peroxide has a bleaching functioning. Because soda is soapy the color runs from it.

Since your paper warped the color flows to the lower sides an cause this "flames".


The warping will end because the powder sucks all the water and will become heavy. So heavy your paper will flatten by itself.

Let the powder dry, than remove it carefully from the paper. If you rub too harsh you will scrape your photograph paper. Another thing you could try is putting your tilted paper on your protected table top with some force. If you are lucky most of the powder will fall right off.


See to it that your table top is protected against any of this colored fluid!

Not all the powder will release this way. The hydrogen peroxide kind of binds to the glossy pothograph paper. the waterstofperoxide the powder attaches himself a beetje to your paper. Carefully try to remove the left over powder with a soft cloth.

You can always feel where the powder has been.


This example has been made with the same sprinkle recipe as above, except then that this blue has been  made of a foodcolor tablet to color eastereggs.

This flames turn white.


This is the surprising outcome of my green colorwash made of refill printer ink, and not too much sprinkling powder.


First spray your paper wet with water, and than spray green colorwash. Sprinkle Oxi generously according to the sprinklepattern on the diagram.



First spray your paper wet with water, than sprinkle according to the sprinklepattern. Finally spray blue colorwash.

Spray more water and tilt your paper. See the color flowing to the bottem.


Spray green colorwash and than sprinkle a circle of oxi according to the diagram.


If you think your colors are to dark, rinse your paper under the tap before the colors (and the powder) really dry.Much of the color will disappears and you have a subtle colouring. Kind of pastel.


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