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What You Need · Newspaper · Baking pan · Water · 2 tablespoons white vinegar · Mortar and pestle · Six sticks of colored chalk (different colors) · Six paper cups · Six tablespoons of cooking oil · Spoon · Half sheets of white paper · Paper towels
Using the mortar and pestle, crush a piece of colored chalk to a fine powder, then pour into a paper cup. Repeat for all six pieces of chalk, using a different cup for each piece. Add a tablespoon of oil to each cup, stirring thoroughly with the spoon. Pour the contents of each paper cup into the bowl of water. The chalky colored oil will form large pools on the water's surface. Gently lay a piece of paper on the water's surface for a moment, lift off, then set to dry on a sheet of newspaper for twenty-four hours. When the marbled paper dries, gently wipe off any surface chalk grains with a paper towel.
Why It Works http://www.wackyuses.com/experiments/marbledpaper.htm |